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Livingston, Zambia, Botswana and Victoria Falls March 28, 2011

After breakfast the the morning after our day trip to Botswana we walked to Victoria Falls, put on rain gear and went to the falls. Got wet anyway but it was a pretty view with lots of rainbows.

victoria falls rainbowVictoria falls rainbow

victoria FallsVictoria Falls Spray


We returned to the hotel and then were driven to a Zambian village located near the hotel. Only the headman has electricity and a phone while the people still live pretty much as their ancestors had. Debby took up a collection of clothing and stuff people had purchased for the trip but wouldn't need back home.

Zambian Villagewater in village

corn dryingcorn drying


There was an old tree near the village where you could see the spray of the falls and many people climbed to the observation platform

old tree

sign by treeDebby on platform

We returned from the village had lunch near the pool hung around in our bathing suits for awhile and then Debby and I walked along a river walk to other hotels before returning for dinner.

Next morning after breakfast went to the Airport, flew to Johannesburg where we got the plane back to Dulles. Upon arriving in Dulles we went to the American Airlines desk and got on a plane back to California a day early. Originally we were planning to stay for the night in Washington. Got back to LAX took shuttle to Double Tree settled into our room and took a walk near the hotel on Sepulvada Blvd.

In the morning our Son Richard picked us up we went to one of our favorite Venice restaurants 26 Beach for breakfast and Richard drove us to Valencia where we took our rig out of storage and spent the rest of the day putting things away. Dinner at Olive Garden and shopping at Ralph"s. We were planning a four day mini holiday at the coast but the weather turned cool so we staid put until we went to Dockweiler to await our family who where coming for Passover.