On July 10 we got an early start hooked up and drove to Arches Provincial Park. Glad we drove up on our way to Port Au Choix instead of up and back from Gros Morne as we didn't spend a lot of time.  Actually except for viewing the Arches and maybe  picnicing there isn't a lot to do there. I was also glad we got there early before the cars blocked the parking lot. For non RV'ers when there are no RV spots in a parking lot RV'ers park length wise across parking spots and it's real easy for non thinking automobile drivers to block them in even in  a relatively empty parking lot.


From Arches we drove another 30 miles to River of Ponds Park our campground for the night. It was pouring when we got there and Debby got soaked helping me park. By the the time I was ready to unhook and set up the rain had stopped lucky me. Debby changed her clothes and we continued north to the Torrent River interpretive Salmon Center. There a local guide actually a young college student explained the history of logging and the efforts to save the salmon in the Torrent river. We went into the salmon ladder and he explained the purpose and counting process. Each salmon going up/ and down the ladder is counted as it passes the window where it is also recorded. Unfortunately none of the Salmon were going past the window while we were there.

salmon in
        ladderNarrow window Salmon must pass
        to get upstream to spawn

We then continued up the road to Port A Choix a historical Parks Canada Heritage Site. In the visitors center we saw a movie describing the different indigenous people who had lived on the peninsular. The Ranger at the desk told us about a museum called the French Rooms where they honored the French settlers. The museum featured a stone oven where they baked buns and served them along with margarine and a variety of local jams and jelly’s. Since we couldn’t pass it up we went and enjoyed ourselves despite the fact that the buns didn’t use a traditional French bread recipe. We also had an opportunity to talk to the locals along with some visitors from Virginia. The lady in charge a long time resident of Newfoundland spends her winters much like we do in Quartzite Arizona.

Buns in
        Stone Oven at French Rooms MuseamCostumed Lady removing buns
        from oven

We then returned to the visitors center to finish our tour of the exhibits. Followed by a walk to an area where the Devon people had lived for about 900 years. We again went to the grocery for more produce before returning to our campground for the night.

Streamview from meadowdriftwood

On July 11 we continued up The Viking Trail to Quirpon for a three night stay at the Viking RV Park. Unfortunately this is one of the worst roads we have ever driven on. Bad roads showed up shortly after we drove through Port A Choix. Whether that contributed to the demise of our refrigerator I don’t know but it certainly made a mess in the trailer. We along with others had electrical problems in the campground. In fact we spent one night with our power shut down until the next day when a neighbor re wired my plug and I changed a dog bone. (dog bone is small power cord about a foot in length that allows a fifty amp cord to plug into a 30 Amp line) . Whether that led to the refrigerator failure or if it was was just a 10 year old refrigerator reaching it’s life expectancy I don't know. In hindsight maybe I should have replaced both the refrigerator and air conditioner in June ‘16 when we refurbished and painted the trailer.

After setting up we went to the visitor center at  L'Anse aux Meadows   the site of the first European visit to the North American Continent. Columbus was not the first European to come to North America.  The Vikings came in the late 980’s AD. We saw a short film describing the history of L'Anse Aux Meadows which the Vikings called Vineland. We were also told and the film reenacts what scientists call closing the circle where the two paths of human migration out of Africa meet. The North American Indians who are believed to have migrated from Asia and the Vikings from Europe. Because of this L'Anse aux Meadows has been designated a World Heritage Site. While waiting for the Ranger tour we spotted this mother and her calf. I think I saw a total of four moose including this mother and calf and Debby 3 obviously we didn't see many moose on this trip.

Moose cow
        and calf
Quite a few sculptures or statues around the site this one overlooks the visitors center and depicts the Vikings discovery
statues of Vikings

Shortly after the movie we joined an interpretive ranger for a tour of the archeolical site and a recreated village a short distance from it.
The following picture is from the actual Viking Village site and in all the years since the 11 Century the buildings are gone but the evidence of thier prior existance is still there

site of
        Viking structure

The tour was informative and the people at the village dressed in period costume were intresting and entertaining despite his faining sleep.

        interpreterentrance of reconstructed
        buildingReconstructed Buildings

By the way  all of Newfoundland is covered with that thin layer of soil, very spongy and terrible for agriculture but as you can see dried out its great for sod huts

The next day we went to a commercial supposedly reanactment village called Norsland. Kind of pathetic reminded me of the Eire Canal Village we had visited a few years ago. Sort of  a half-hearted  attempt at a Williamsburg type venue. None the less the costumed reinterpreters were interesting even if their information didn’t seem as reliable as Parks Canada and  I did get a piece of fried dough with butter and jam. I also roasted salted Caitlin over the fire it tasted just like sardines which I eat regularly. You can hardly  see the Caitlin on your right it's bigger then a sardine and  a local staple, head and all not that I ate the head but not comercially viable.

        food over the fire

At the time of our arrival at the campground I asked about the ice berg tour boats. The owner gave me a brochure from a Saint Anthony boat co but she also mentioned a man in the campground who would take us out in a 23’foot boat. Turned out the man was her brother and we along with another couple went to see whales and an ice berg. We were so close to the Ice Berg I could almost have reached out and touched it.

ice bergice berg
The next day we went to Saint Anthony and from shore saw more ice bergs.

ice bergice bergice berg

Different shapes and different sizes and all melting   

explanation of Ice Berg

On  our return to the campground we went for a lobster dinner at a local restaurant. The owner a children’s book author's sister works at the U.N and lives in Queens.
Seemingly there is a lot of cross border people traffic