Winter 2015


We spent New Years Eve 2015 with friends on Deerfield Beach, in Florid. On Jan 3 we went to the Florida Keys and Curry Hammock State Park for 9 days. The park is close enough to Marathon that we walked on the Old Seven Mile Bridge and enjoyed the wildlife in the park.

IguanaReddish Egret

Waders scrabling

Pidgon KeyOld 7 Mile Bridge

That was followed by three days in Easterlin Campground in Ft Lauderdale for shopping and more family visited. On January 15 we went up to Lakeland for a week to have the truck serviced before heading out west. While in Lakeland we walked in the Polk County Nature Center and saw more wildlife.

Roseette Spoonbillalligator


Blue Heron

While in Lakeland we went to the Tampa RV show and met with several friends. From there we headed North, first to Suwanee River State Park for a few days.

Suannee Rivertracks


rural houseTrk & Trlr


abandoned bridge


beach in Gulf  Islands NS

and then to Pensacola to get our mail, walk on the beach of the Gulf Islands National Seashore

We also went to some really good restaurants in Lakeland and Pensacola

before leaving Florida and continuing West on Interstate 10 into Louisiana