New York has its' cows, Billings Montana has its' horses, Salt Lake City has its' bison, Chicago has its' furniture and San Francisco has its' toilets.

Granted that they are not ceramic but they are quite civilized and an improvement over facilities in other cities. While in the area we took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) from Concord to San Francisco, walked on the Embarcadero, visited the seals at "Pier 39",

ate Chili Bowls (Sour Dough Bread Bowls filled with Chili) at Boudin's Bakery,and  had ice cream, a chocolate cookie to choke a horse and coffee at Giradelli's. We had a great time and wonderful visit with Debby's family at Alexander's Bar Mitzvah.

Her cousin Rob even brought the kids to where we were living and we visited with my cousin in San Anselmo.

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